Thursday, May 23, 2013

Meet friend, work and despeir

The second week in another country. It's not easy.You don't have with whom to talk. I cry alone in the room and calling in question my decision that I should stay. Before I came here,  I solved the problem about job in Boston. They let me work for their firm here.I had to use 2 weeks of vacation upon arrival. I have not heard with my friends from Boston. In fact when they called ,but I have not answerd to tell them.
  The eighth day is that I crying and eating chocolate. The TV was not interested in anything other than an advertisement of Lugano. I decided to visit a place and use 6 days of vacation I have left. The list of a few places that I visited on the way from Zurich to Lugano has been made. I packed only the most basic and the most important thing. It all fit in one small suitcase and camera around my neck. When I enterd the train I sat next to a Chinese woman and her face when she saw me, told me that this journey will begin a new friendship.

 In next post:
Jurney ... what a pleasure...

1 comment:

  1. Hola guapa!!
    Lo primero gracias por pasarte por mi blog y comentar, yo desde hoy también te sigo ;)
    He leído tu post y quiero que sepas que yo también pase por esa situación, al principio es duro pero aguanta todo tiene su recompensa, intenta aprender de esos momentos de soledad porque te aseguro que te van hacer muy fuerte y te hacen conocerte más a ti. Hazme caso ya veras como en unos días lo verás todo muy diferente aunque no te pongas tiempos todo llega y solo tienes que ser positiva y aprovechar cada momento porque jamás se volverá a repetir.
    Yo ahora mismo estoy viviendo en Chile aunque soy Española ;)
    Yo voy a seguirte para saber como vas, ok?
    Un beso muy grande guapa.
